Sunday Mornings
Worship Service 10:00AM
If you are looking for a new church home or just passing through, we would love for you to join us.

Greeter Ministry
When you walk in you will be welcomed by our greeters. They are excited to be the first to welcome you and point you towards our welcome desk. At the welcome desk, be sure to let them know it is your first time visiting with us. They will help you with any questions you might have.

Nursery, for ages 0 -- pre-k, is available Sunday mornings for Sunday school and during our morning worship. For more information check out our Children's Ministry page.

Sunday Worship
Our Sunday morning worship begins at 10:00 AM and all are welcome! During this time we will come together in a time of singing, hearing from the Word, and joining together in prayer. Children can remain with their parents in the service or head on back to our Kidzone.

Worship Guides
On your way into the service, be sure to grab a worship guide from one of our greeters by the entrance to the sanctuary. It is a great place to find information about upcoming events and ways to connect.